History Sharkliveroil l What is squalene? l The Role of Squalene in Health  l  Dr. Carl A. Luer

Dr. William Lane interview by dr. Passwater  Dr. William Lane  l  Dr. Bikul Das  l  G.S. Kelly Clinical uses

Dr. Bikul Das

The Science behind Squalene

Dr. Bikul Das is a Research Fellow at the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, one of the world's most prestigius medical centers.  Dr. Das began his career in molecular biology and cancer research after several years of clinical practice in Bhutan and India.  His studies in oxidative stress and his concern for the impact of pollution on human health led him first to the subject of isopreniod antioxidants and subsequently to the Isopreniod Squalene, with its recently discovered importance in preventive medicine.

Dr. Das is currently working on a cancer research project in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the same hospital.

This book shows that the subject of Squalene has been highly underestimated, and contains truly innovative thinking about the activity of oxidants and anitoxidants.  Dr. Das hypothesizes that the presence of Squalene in human skin is an evolutionary requirement and raises the question of whether Squalene metabolism is threatened by environrmental pollution.  This clearly presented book methodically describes the dynamic interconnection of oxidant-antioxidant balance, evolution and environmental change. [Dr. George P. Konok, M.D.MSC.FRCSC.FACE. Professor of Surgery. Department of Surgery, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon. Canada.

Squalene plays a major role in the protection and enhancement of human skin. Dr. Bikul Das has written an authoritive book that brings together the facts about a remarkable substance that has remained unclear to the medical community for far too long.  Dr. Vicki Belo. M.D,Dermatologic Surgeon.
Cosmetic Surgeon, Founder Belo Medical Group. Manila, Philippines. The Medical community today puts great importance on the damgae caused by oxygen radicals and my own research has confirmed the positive effects of Squalene. This book and its presentation of Squalene's biochemical properties are immensely valuable, particularly in the West, where it is
still not fully appreciated. Takashi Yokota. PhD. Yokota Health Institute, Japan.

Methods developed by Dr.F.X.Mayr have shown that antioxidant-based cocktailsaid detoxification and improve tissue regeneration.  Dr. Das's important book has enriched our understanding of cellular regeneratin and shown how Squalene contributes to a balanced response to toxins, oxidants and other threats. Richard Kogenlnig, M.D. Health Centre Lanserhof, Lans, Austria.
Like Glutathione[GSH] Squalene is one of the few antioxidants manufactured within the body, both of which detoxify, help balance our protective metabolisms and protect us from other threats.  In this book, Dr. Bukul Das reveals that medical science has in faxt clarified much more about Squalene than was preivously realized.  By uncovering and combining many research findings into a detailed overview, his book has advanced our understanding by leaps and bounds.  Dr. Jimmy Gutman, M.D.FACEP, Montreal, Canada. Author of Glutathione[GSH-Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent.

Despite extensive research, Squalene has remained largely unknown in the West.  In this book, Dr. Bikul Das gathers all known data on the subject and presents them clearly. He provides valuable insight into the crucial subject of oxidant-antioxidant balance and evidence for Squalene's anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering effects.-Allan Somersall, PhD.M.D., Toronto, Canada. Author of Breakthrough in Cell-Defense and Nature's Goldmine

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Sources and references Squalene and haaienleverolie

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36. Trichopoulou A, Katsouyanni K, Stuver S et al. Consumption of olive oil and specific food groups in relation to breast cancer risk in Greece. J Natl.Cancer Inst. 1995;87:110-6.

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